
2014-02-17 14:25:35  来源:  字号:【    】  浏览:329


1 the site regularly cleaned, filthy place weight may be appropriate to use detergent scrub or scrub.


2 before and after the game to wash, to keep the site color and clean, hot summer weather should be sprayed with cold water to reduce the surface temperature.


3 venues such as fragmentation, delamination phenomenon, should be repaired in time according to the specification requirements, in order to prevent the spread of. Around the site should always sprinkle water, to prevent dust, affect the site clean.


4 sewage should always clean, maintain the smooth drainage.


5 enter the site must wear sports shoes (hobnail can not be more than 7 mm).


6 to avoid the long time stress, prevent violent mechanical impact and friction.


7 prohibit all vehicles in the above form, it is prohibited to carry inflammable, explosive, corrosive harmful substances into the ground.




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