
2010-10-22 17:32:19  来源:耐奥腾运动地坪  字号:【    】  浏览:889

    耐奥腾®水性运动地坪涂装系统系由著名的德国Deutschland Nalstane Produz GmbH公司制造, 凭借30多年的研发和制造经验,耐奥腾产品水性环保,材料硬化快速、色彩亮丽、长久如新,特殊设计的涂料表层耐水性、耐侯性十分优异,并提供最佳的耐磨性、止滑性及弹性,使运动员可以发挥最大的运动潜能。可以在水泥基材和沥青基材上施工,有着优良的附着力. 其施工条件简单,可以在较宽的温度和湿度天气中施工,在欧洲,南至意大利,北至芬兰,都可以看到耐奥腾®涂装运动地坪及市政地面的身影.
    耐奥腾®水性运动地坪涂装系统是世界上最知名网球场涂料品牌之一,凭着高科技的研发和创新、精良严谨的生产工艺,NALSTANE(耐奥腾)系列产品具有极佳的品质,获得了国际网球联合会(ITF)一,二及三类产品认证,经过简易的施工,可以完全满足国际网联严格的比赛场地要求,深受各国网协和运动员的喜爱,现已成为世界各地比赛及网球会所最常用的场地。 目前NALSTANE(耐奥腾)系列产品是德国DNSEN网球锦标赛、德国大学生运动会、意大利网球公开赛、英国网球公开赛、美国Lipton网球锦标赛等多个顶级赛事指定产品。并成为28届西腊雅典奥运会唯一指定产品. 其优异的耐侯持久性、色彩亮丽、容易施工、耐磨止滑性为体育活动带来价值,15年来其在欧洲及全球涂装的运动地坪超过25万片,其优良的品质享誉全球。我们在中国拥有欣欣向荣的团队和忠诚的用户,我们严谨的质量既确保体育运动员良好的发挥,也确保工程商稳定持续的投资收益。



    Deutschland Nalstane Produz GmbH is a most famous court surface coating manufacturer in the world, with more than 30 year experience in developing and marketing court surface pure acrylate coating system, and with 15 years experience in installation of court surface in countries vary from hottest nation of Egypt to even coldest Finland and Norway, thousands of playground courts coated with Nalstane Sport Coatings System every year with the quality strictly confirmed with requirement of ITF.
Nalstane Sports Coating system is classified by ITF as a Category I to III material which is highly qualified for sports movements of high jumping, fast reaction and quick rebonding …with specification of High weatherbility, Vivid colour, Long lasting life, highly resistance to abrasion, which is populating in matches like Deutschland DESN Public Competition, Italy Tennis Public Competition, French College Union competition…and the most pride is, Nalstane Sports Coating System was nominated to be the only pure acrylate court coating in 2004 Olympic Game, Athens.


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